Thursday, August 27, 2015


     This was very clearly the mantra of the previous owners. Insert Price Is Right announcer voice here. "Yes Johnny, and you too can stain everything with a rag and a toddler workforce ANYTHING is possible."  Now folks I am no advocating for child labor at this moment, however I feel that my 5 year old would have given more attention to detail, and developed a technique that was somewhat presentable. Sure, with the lights off we all look better, but sadly we live in a world of harshly lit rooms and even the softest light cannot help this. So the mantra I have for now is PRIME EVERYTHING!?!?!?! So that is what I am setting out to do today. Be amazing in my absence.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


So, my task thus far has been simple-ish (not labor intensive just irritating). I have been blessed with a wonderful realtor who I cannot say enough good things about. So we closed on the house THANK YOU JESUS!! After a tumultuous battle that was always uphill both ways in 3 feet of snow, while wearing flip flops I found myself at our local big box home improvement store in the paint section. Insert deer in headlights stare here. I asked Google how many colors are actually in the world and results came back as "almost infinite" variations of colors...... it is like pi for artsy people !?!  You know that they always display the colors with an angelic glow so even the most horrible shade of baby poop yellow looks appealing.  It makes one second guess all that they have ever known... " see Kay, you could totally paint a whole room neon green and it will be awesome,"   or "you know Barbie lives in a dream house with pepto pink and is always happy."  I am now back from dreamland and after consulting my super awesome guru of all things decor I settled on country colors. I'm sorry if you do not agree but vintage Ball canning jar blue is one of my most favorite ways to decorate so this actually ended up being a no brainer. I will be gone for a little while, ripping up puzzle pieced carpets and priming and painting but I will share as much as I can along the way. Be amazing in my absence.

Monday, August 24, 2015

We Are Getting Ready to Close

Good Morning,

  My family and I have found a home with a nice little parcel of land and the house has had a multitude of poor choices made. Please feel free to follow me on my journey and please feel free to offer any tips, as I redo and try and make a nice livable space from the oddness that we voluntarily are agreeing to buy. I will always try and re-use and upcycle items for the job. Paint and flooring are absolutely coming from the store so we can actually move in.